We are living in the times of E-Commerce, where with ease every need , from groceries, furniture, medicines to appliances, everything gets delivered at the doorstep in a snap of time. But considering demand for wines, that comes with a few hindrances as there are laws and other regulations to abide by.
Can we legally send wine Gifts Online?
There is no one-way revert to this query as every city, state and country has its own power to regulate and set laws for alcoholic beverages in their area.
If you are planning to send a wine gift in America then the consumer or simply, the buyer has to be 21 years old or more than that. Any act deviated from this counts as immoral and illegal in the eyes of the law. That’s why we require an adult’s signature for age proof requirement first before processing the wine delivery further.
How to Ship Wine In America?
Shipping Wine is an easy method but is confusing at the same time due to shipping laws. Each American state has its own set of shipping rules and America as a whole, has an overlaying law. A company has to meet the following standard requirements to ship wines:
The state they are operating in must permit shipping of wines.
The company has to be licensed to ship wine in the states that they are operating in. If not, it can face legal actions for shipping alcohol.
The company requires to create a contract with UPS or FedEx to deliver the wine orders at the different destinations.
We are familiar with the standard shipping laws of different American states and therefore, have met the mentioned requirements. We are licensed and have a contract with UPS to deliver at the doorsteps across America.
Let us send a gift basket from you to your loving ones
USPS is prohibited to ship wine, beer or distilled spirits due to regulatory laws. Therefore, we seek UPS service instead to ship wine and then proceed with deliveries further.
What are UPS Wine shipment rules ?
A company has to be abide by the following rules of UPS to legally make wine deliveries happen:
Must own a UPS number.
Has a contract signed with UPS.
Must be licensed to Ship Wine.
Must have permits of the states you are sending wine from and to.
EPS Foam used in packaging.
Packaging of wine has to be done safely and with clear labeling of “containing alcohol’.
.Must receive an adult’s signature upon delivery. The receiver has to be 21 or older.
How to Send Wine Gifts Online via Mail?
Find a retailer that takes order confirmations on mailboxes and can legally proceed with the delivery further. Here. We confirm your online purchases via e-mails and maintain a consistent contact throughout with the customers until the orders are delivered at the recipient’s doorstep. You can place orders from virtually anywhere across the globe !
Here is Direct-to-Consumer Wine Shipping State Reference Guide to understand the state based regulations in a better way :
Send wine gifts online! Wine is a perfect delight and we offer around 22 premium wine baskets and 4 idle wine servings to meet plain wine requirements. They range from $89.99 to $599.00 and are designed to prettify different occasions , from Birthdays and Anniversaries to Graduation to Weddings. Grouped with scrumptious eat-bits like chocolates, olives, sausages, cheese bricks, and more, our wine bottles own impressive length, aromas, taste notes and sturdy bubbles’ presence.
Our delivery services are hassle-free and with full damage control and time management, we deliver all orders across America within 2-3 days. On the shipping note, there is one -day delivery and that too at free of cost . We are firm on the legal grounds and abide by all state -based and standard rules to make wine deliveries happen.
Happy Shopping! Place orders from virtually anywhere for Wine Baskets and Bottles!
Send wine gifts online! For Any Query:
Mail us at contact@wineandchampagnegifts.com
Call/WhatsApp us at +1.202-459–8489
Directly chat live with our Agent
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